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Project Office Wall - March 2022

The Project Zen

Many of us still work a fair bit from home. Some of us used to work in busy offices with other people. Since COVID a number of work places are giving employees more work space to make it less likely that colds and viruses can be passed on.

Before COVID Heather used to share a small office with another colleague. When her work place decided to space employees out more for health safety she was left with an empty wall and desk on one side of her office. It was a little gloomy, so Heather used silver shiny decorations to cover this up.

The shiny deco greeted anyone entering the office or joining Heather on a zoom or similar online meeting. Online meetings being a regular situation for many of us nowadays. The space with out the shiny deco was very dull and the colour of the walls also.

Heather was excited to see what The Project Zen could do to make her work space more comforting, bright and encouraging. This would be TPZ's first installation.

We started with a half hour face to face consultation to check the light in the space, find out what plants she does and doesn't like, and to take various measurements of the space needing to be furnished. Also I wanted to know what sort of experience and plant knowledge she currently had. Sometimes people will have a colour scheme that they would like to stick to, however Heather was happy to go with my ideas.

Sometimes people have containers or items they would like to include. Heather had been gifted by a friend two pieces, a pair of retro-toy decorated shoes, that we included in the installation. They currently also house a pair of variegated European ivy plants.

Heather expressed a wish to highlight that the installation was done by The Project Zen. I did not want to spoil the display with an advert poster and decided on an integrated attractive cushion to serve this purpose.

Whilst locally sourcing suitable plants I upcycled some second hand pots with a little artwork. Part of TPZ ethos is to reuse, upcycle and recycle.

The day of installation was arranged for early one Monday morning so that Heather got the full week of pleasure from her new plants.

After arranging all the plants, I supplied Heather with a list of what she had in her display. We discussed their care and the fact that the top shelf needed less watering than the rest. Included was a water metre to help to discourage overwatering, as well as an information card.

Towards the end of May 2022 I was able to drop a couple of additions off and see how the plants were developing. More artworked flower pots were added. Depending on individuals the artwork can be individualised to suit them.

Heather was pleased with the initial installation and is enjoying the ongoing effects of her own personal Project Zen. She has remarked on some visitors coming just to look at the plants.

Some initial comments and feedback from March included the following:

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