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February 2022 Newsletter

The Project Zen

Updated: Sep 27, 2022

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Hello – what do you think about the weird weather we are having? Every week we seem to have a new storm to think about and some weeks we get 2.

I have 2 pieces of good news to tell you about. The first is that before Christmas I applied for a wee bit of money to run some sessions in the City, to help people feel less isolated and lonely. I was successful and I am now organising everything so that they can run just after Easter.

I have also been wowed by 4 people offering to be volunteers during these sessions. This is absolutely wonderful, as it means the sessions will be covered by myself and at least one volunteer from April to the end of the summer. Thank you so much, I really appreciate it.

The second is that I took on my very first customer contract last week. Thank you to the lovely lady, Heather. I will provide a plant display incorporating plants and artwork, to not only brighten up her office, but to create a healthier workplace environment for her.

There is a lot of science out there to show that plants not only help to clean pollutants out of indoor spaces, but that they help humans to focus and can alleviate and limit stress. Keep a lookout for photos.

CLIMATE CHANGE - The good news is there is still time to act.

At the end of last year, we were all aware of COP26. Shortly before that, the UN issue CODE RED FOR HUMANITY in August. There is some good news - there is still time to act to keep warming to 1.5 Celsius above pre-industrial levels. Politicians, many of whom were still approving fossil fuel projects, WERE urged in November 2021 to change course and introduce radical legislation to slash emissions. However, that is all high-level stuff many, like you and I, are asking -

“What can I, as an individual, do about climate change?”

I recently read an article by Positive News about 14 things we can do on a personal level to reduce our impact on the Earth, that are important. I have picked two of them to discuss. Meat and dairy are the first. I know there are heaps of articles saying how vegan is best and eating meat is the worst, but they are not helpful for those of us who do not want to be vegans, whatever the reasons. The science does suggest, however, that regularly eating less meat and dairy is the single biggest thing we can all do to reduce our impact.

'Veganuary' is becoming a January tradition for some people and that is one resolution that will aid the Earth if only for 1 month, couple that with 'No Meat May' and we have 2 months' worth of action. This might be the solution for you – though we need to be careful that we don't exchange the meat for non recognisable processed food, which may be detrimental to our health.

Something more sustainable could be where we incorporate more fruit and vegetables on a regular daily basis, and get used to smaller portions of meat, or maybe plan a meat free meal every day. If that seems too much, then maybe a regular meat free day once a week.

One of these options might be more achievable than trying to cut meat from all our meals every day of every week. If we are serious about this, then we may need to do a little planning, so that we know what we need to include in our shopping list for that meal - we can then look forward to it rather than dread it. We also need to be kind to ourselves. If we forget one time or have to rearrange because we are visiting others, no worries we can reschedule. A habit takes time to form, and breaking a habit also takes time. Celebrate the successes. Everything we can do to help positively is a plus.

The second area we can make a difference to the Earth in is by changing some of our travel choices. In 2019, research shows that 47.6% of journeys less than 2 miles were made on foot, and 1.7% of journeys were cycled. This shows that still over 50% of these short journeys were done using a non-human powered vehicle.

A by-product of these actions may well be an overall improvement to your own health. Fruit and vegetables are high in all sorts of body good things, not least anti-oxidants that help to keep as healthier and able to heal faster. If you are like me and sit far too long working at a computer, adding a little more walking exercise to our week for those short journeys will be not only good for the body, but gives our minds a bit of thinking space as well.

Herbal Teas or Tisanes

Did you know herbal teas are really tisanes and have no actual tea in their ingredients? To be actually tea, it needs to include or be made from the Camellia Sinensis plant, from which all true teas are made. However, that is just playing with words. We all know what we are talking about when we ask for a herbal tea of some sort.

Besides the taste, and the fact that herbal teas have no caffeine, are there any other advantages to drinking them? I thought it might be interesting to see what science says are the advantages to drinking the various teas [oh ok, tisanes].

Chamomile – known for its calming properties, it is also said to be anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic.

Chrysanthemum – sweet-tasting, it is able to reduce body heat resulting from fever. It can protect against liver damage and neutralise certain toxins.

Cinnamon – known as calming, it can helps to support healthy circulation and digestion.

Ginseng – stimulates vitality and helps the body stay healthy.

Ginger root – excellent for improving circulation, also is one of the best herbs for improving digestion, nausea, lung congestion and arthritis.

Parsley – a diuretic and helps with kidney function.

Peppermint – good for stress relief. It also helps with stomach and digestive issues, as well as freshening the breath.

Red Clover - used as a medicine for menopausal symptoms, cancer, mastitis, joint disorders, asthma, bronchitis, psoriasis and eczema. NOT recommended for children, pregnant or breastfeeding women.

Rose hips – a natural source of vitamin C and bioflavonoids, they are a liver, kidney and blood tonic. Also, is a good remedy for fatigue, colds and cough.

Sarsaparilla – promotes energy and healthy skin.

Slippery elm – helps to relieve stomach cramps and other gastrointestinal problems.

There are many more that could be listed, but I think we would need a book, not an article in a newsletter.

Two things to be very aware of are that, first, not all herbal teas are created equal. Some have been enhanced with dyes and flavour enhancers to make them more attractive to the consumer, or contain residues of chemicals used to keep weeds or plant pests down during growing. This is one area where trying to go organic and additive free would be of great benefit to the drinker's health.

Second, there are a few individuals that may experience allergic reactions to some herbal teas: for example when consuming large amounts of green tea, or drinking one tea from the Composite family of plants, which include chrysanthemum, ragweed and others.

If you are not used to herbal teas or are trying a few new ones out, go easy and don't drink it to excess. Too much of a good thing may not be such a good thing.

If you are interested in another article about aspects of this topic, feel free to drop me an e-mail, details at the end of the newsletter.

I welcome comments about any of the topics from today or suggestions for future topics.

This is Number 7 in the group – if there are any of the others you would like sending out, let me know, happy to share them. Thank you again for not only taking the time to read the articles, but for the support you are giving The Project Zen, to develop and move forward.

Sarina Kosewsky-Griffiths


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Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research: Chandini Ravikumar /J.

Pharm. Sci. & Res. Vol. 6(5), 2014, 236-238

Photographs by Sarina


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